History of Austin
Austin, Indiana has a rich and storied history. Since it’s establishment on May 3rd, 1853, and even before, the events that colored development of our city can inspire and intrigue. This is where Morris Sarver envisioned a town built around the railroad, where the Morgans built their legacy, where 106 men picked up arms and joined the fight during the Civil War, where Axis POWs spent their time in captivity while WWII raged on, and more. There is so much to learn about the City of Austin.
Read about the founding of the company and about the family that ran it.
Photo Gallery
We certainly hope you enjoy the photos presented here. I have to give complete credit and thanks to Austin, Indiana native Mike Barrett, who created The Austin Indiana History Website. His exhaustive research provided the photos and the terrific information that reveals the story behind each image. Our goal will be to add new photos as more are submitted and discovered.